That's a lot of kids!

That's a lot of kids!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Top 10!

June 9th marks Randy and my 10 year wedding anniversary and to honor this special occassion I came up with some "Top 10 Lists" of things I've learned about marriage, my hubby, and things remembered. Here goes:

Top 10....things I remember about our wedding day:

1. I was late arriving at the temple making Randy sweat if I was going to back out (he has never let me live that down).

2. During the wedding ceremony, I couldn't stop smiling.

3. Taking pictures got old, fast.

4. A piggyback ride in a wedding dress is a complicated maneuver.

5. I LOVED my wedding dress.

6. The reception line. I honestly loved being able to visit with everybody!

7. Shoving cake in Randy's face.

8. Having to throw the wedding bouquet twice (because my mother missed the first throw). I also remember Becky Youkstetter knocking the ladies out of the way trying to catch it. :)

9. Being pelted with pounds of rice as we headed for the getaway car (I think we still found rice in the car a couple of years later).

10. The very long drive to Deer Valley. It seemed long, anyway...

Top 10 things.... I've learned about my husband in the last 10 years:

1. He is a clean freak.

2. He has 2 mistresses: college football and his xbox

3. He is very, VERY smart.

4. He gets better looking with age.

5. He is an AMAZING father.

6. He is a homebody.

7. He has a great sense of humor; he can always make me laugh.

8. He is, at heart, a family man.

9. He is great at his job.

10. He still seems to love me.

Top 10....amazing moments we've shared together in the last decade:

1. Having children.

2. Watching each other graduate from college.

3. Our trip to Hawaii.

4. Our trip to France.

5. Learning all we need is each other and our kids to be happy, no matter where we live.

6. Witnessing Randy's career successes.

7. Our trip to San Francisco.

8. Learning to cherish date nights.

9. Learning to appreciate nights in.

10. Realizing we're still in love, 10 years later.

Top 10...bits of advice to a happy marriage:

1. Don't sweat the small stuff.

2. Don't act your age.

3. Kiss...a lot.

4. Find things to do together but also enjoy doing your own thing.

5. Keep your priorities straight.

6. Don't live with the in-laws.

7. Fight naked.

8. Laugh when you want to cry.

9. Flowers and chocolate, while cliche, are important.

10. Saying "I'm sorry" can go a long way.

Thanks, Mr. Player, for an amazing ride thus far. I can't wait to see what the next 10 years will bring!

1 comment:

  1. Super cute :) We always tell newlyweds to fight naked as well, because of course you won't be fighting for long. Congrats on the big 10! So happy for you guys.
