Well, it's that time. The time I've been dreading for the last couple of years...that's right, tomorrow I turn the big, 3-0! I realize it's not that big of a deal but it's still odd to think I'm finished with my twenties. However, this fretting about 30 has given me a chance to look back over my 20's, feel nostalgic, and be grateful for the choices I made over the last decade.

At only 20 and a couple months, I made the biggest decision of my life. I married Randy Player. Yes, 20 is young for marriage. I get some quizzical looks when I tell people I married so young, but it was definitely the right choice for me and I thank my lucky stars that I married him. He is truly my best friend and partner in life.

Just 2 short years later, we made another huge decision and had our first bundle of joy, Lincoln. He completely changed my life and my priorities. From day one, he has kept me on my toes. He is such a bright and stubborn young man. I know he will go far in life, considering his determination and unwillingness to wavor from what he wants. Our lives would not be the same without him!

6 months after having Lincoln, I was able to do something I promised myself I would do, even having a kid in the middle of it all, and that was to get my bachelor's degree. I majored in music, dance, and theatre. Being BYU, they were very understanding with me carting around my little guy to classes that last semester. And thankfully, we lived with my parents at the time so they helped a ton with watching Lincoln (those dance classes weren't the optimum place to bring a baby).

Just 2 short years after having Lincoln, we welcomed Carter. He keeps me on my toes in a completely different way than Lincoln. He is happy, mischevious, and wears his heart on his sleeve. He is loving and absolutely crazy and I can't imagine our home without him.
Then 3 years later came Jackson. He has been, in one word, joy. He is just a really cool kid. He is so easy going and just loves life. When I found out we were having our 3rd boy, I was excited. I had been hoping for a girl, but I can't say how happy I am that we had this 3rd boy. He has been such a blessing in our family.

And then just 4 short weeks ago, we welcomed our little princess. What a great way to end my twenties. We already love her so much!
So, that's the last 10 years in a nut shell. I'm grateful for it and even though I'm not excited about getting older, I can't wait to see what this next decade brings!