That's a lot of kids!

That's a lot of kids!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Ode to Superdad

"Certain is it that there is no kind of affection so purely angelic as of a father to a daughter. In love to our wives there is desire; to our sons, ambition; but to our daughters there is something which there are no words to express." Joseph Addison

Kennedy is now 3 weeks old and I can't believe how quickly it has gone. While the sleepless nights have been brutal (as has the nursing) we are now getting back to normal (aside from the comatose state I function in). Randy went back to work on Monday after a lovely 2 and a half weeks off and having him gone has made me appreciate all he did while he was off and all he continues to do the second he walks in the door! So babe, this one is for you!

First off, I have to say how great Randy is during the whole birthing process. He is quiet and unassuming yet knows exactly when I need a good laugh. He's right there with me to hold my hand and tell me I'm doing a great job. Plus, he throws in some apologies for being a man. :)

Then you have how great he is with our daughter (as he was with our boys). You know how some guys are just not great with the newborn stage? Well, my hubby is not one of them. He is right there to hold, soothe, feed, and change diapers. He is a natural and thankfully offers help whenever I need it.

And then there's how he is with the boys. He's incredibly patient, kind and always has a listening ear. He is quick to play with them; the favorites are Mario Kart on the Wii and dodgeball in the backyard. Superdad is always ready to lend a hand with homework, read to and even sing to them at night. He took the boys on countless little getaways during his time off just to give me time to recoup and bond with Kennedy. Whether it was simply taking them to the store or his more brave adventures, like taking all 3 to the movies and to the LA Museum of Natural History so they could go to the Butterfly Pavillion. Yah, he's a stud!

So thank you, Randy, for being the kind of man our children can look up to; the kind of man I want our boys to turn out like; the kind of man I want our daughter to marry. I love and appreciate you and so do our little presidents!

"Someday my Prince will come. Until then, I have my Daddy!" - unknown


  1. That's awesome. Husbands never look more appealing than when they are playing with, or showing love to their kids. Sounds like we are both really lucky with the men we married!

  2. Wow! In this day and age when so many jokes are women bashing on men, it is wonderful to hear some appreciation for the great men in our lives. And I got a great one, too!

  3. Amazing!! You are truly blessed!
